FEB 12, 2024: Today marks the fifth anniversary for OTT Consulting, a small business I created in 2019 to leverage two decades of experience in the outsourcing industry. As I look back, it’s rewarding to see a track record of technological gaps closed for clients, tailored outsourced solutions implemented and business opportunities seized. The road to five years includes some obstacles—I haven’t always gotten it right—but the stretches of adversity have been as valuable to this five-year milestone as the unmitigated successes. It blows my mind that 50% of businesses fail within the first five years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. OTT Consulting is still standing.
So today’s a day of celebration, a day to offer gratitude to clients and supporters and an opportunity to request your help in propelling this minority owned enterprise forward.
I am asking my network of colleagues, business associates, clients, partners and friends to have a look at the suite of services OTT Consulting provides in the attached brochure. Please share it with anyone in your network who may benefit from what we do, now or in the future. You might even see something on there well suited and timely for your area of expertise.
I am focused now on the next five years of OTT Consulting, excited, and occasionally nervous, about the technological advances on the horizon. But the unknown will be met with a familiar mix of integrity, hard work and operational efficiency—the hallmarks of the professional relationship I have enjoyed with so many. Thank you for your partnership, your support and thank you especially for helping OTT Consulting conquer the next five years.
Camille Jones